Medicaid Spam
Medicaid is spelled differently than medic ade
there is a difference between ade and aid
aid can be like help or assist and as a noun assistance.
and aide is an assistant
so co talke a three day class on how to inject people at like a for profit online university, file the screen shot of the certificate and receipt and file them in the appropriate folders.
a medic is a medical practitioner or student ... so go enroll at a for- prophet online multiversity and call yourself a medical student.
fill out a few applications with said catfish as put down the for prophet online multiversity as the current student. like put that shit on resumes and stuff. file the screen shots in the appropriate folders.
in the bio of the catfish, adjust the occupation / profession details to 'assistant'.
commingle the many accounts of the medic and the aide to become one
[footnote: this is how theranose became a mix of therapy and diagnosis]
roll two strands of hair on both sides of the face before bed.
wear black pants, white top. and suspenders, spray the curled sides, secure with pins, and tuck the rest of hair into fur fez. (see blueprints for diy fez and replace the material with fur or faux) black shoes and preferable black socks
light 8 black candles and look in the mirror
repete the following montra
"semantics ... schmantics ... *evil laugh*"